Philippines Workshop

Philippines Workshop


The second DIPnet workshop: Molecular Ecology and Bioinformatics in the Philippines and SE Asia was held at the Microtel Hotel, Queszon City, Philippines 24-30 July 2016

Participants (*instructors and organizers):

Name Affiliation
Chona Camille Abeledo De La Salle University
Ma. Carmen Ablan-Lagman De La Salle University
Altair  Agmata Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines Diliman
Roselyn  Aguila National Fisheries Research and Development Institute (NFRDI)
Angela Camille Aguila Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines Diliman
Simon  Alcantara Institute of Biological Studies, College of Arts and Sciences, University of the Philippines Los Baños
Kim  Andrews* University of Idaho
Jonathan A. Anticamara Institute of Biology, UP Diliman
Jake  Baquiran Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines Diliman
Zubaida  Basiao Institute of Biology, UP Diliman
Mahdi  Belcaid* University of Hawaii
Inggat Laya Casilagan Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines Diliman
Ruby  Castrence-Gonzales Mindanao State University at Naawan
Cecilia  Conaco* University of the Philippines
Jeric  Da-anoy Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines Diliman
Maria Rowena Eguia Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Aquaculture Department (SEAFDEC/AQD) Manila Office
Michelle R. Gaither* Durham University UK
Gihanna Gaye Galindez Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines Diliman
Maria Victoria Faith Garcia De La Salle University
Ivane  Gerasmio College of Science and Mathematics, Department of Biological Sciences, Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology
Rachel  Gotanco* University of the Philippines
Joana Joy Huervana Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Aquaculture Department (SEAFDEC/AQD)
Padilla Philip Ian Division of Biological Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, University of the Philippines Visayas
Claire Samantha Juanico Central Luzon State University
Kevin  Labrador Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines Diliman
Katja  Lehmann* Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
Crissa Ann Lilagan De La Salle University
Apollo Marco Lizano Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines Diliman
Adrian  Luczon Institute of Biology, University of the Philippines Diliman
Deo Angelo Macahig Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines Diliman
Liezel  Magtoto Department of Biology,  University of the Philippines Baguio
Paula  Martinez* University of Queensland
Din  Matias* University of Queensland
Michael John Mendiola Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines Diliman
Michael Angelou Nada Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines Diliman
Feliciano June Ordoñez Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines Diliman
Maria Catherine Otero University of the Philippines Mindanao
Faith  Paran* University of the Philippines
Fiona  Pedroso Institute of Aquaculture, College of Fisheries and Ocean Science, University of the Philippines Visayas
Ross  Philip University of Waikato
Jonas  Quilang Institute of Biology, University of the Philippines Diliman
Cynthia  Riginos* University of Queensland
Mudjekeewis  Santos National Fisheries Research and Development Institute (NFRDI)
Persie Mark Sienes Institute of Environmental and Marine Sciences, Silliman University
Marilyn  Sumayo Division of Biological Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, University of the Philippines Visayas
Andrew  Torres Marine Science Institute, University of the Philippines Diliman
Shelah Mae Ursua Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center, Aquaculture Department (SEAFDEC/AQD)
Minerva  Ventolero National Fisheries Research and Development Institute (NFRDI)
Patricia  Wepfer OIST
Dianne Mira Yap Institute of Environmental and Marine Sciences, Silliman University
Sandra  Yap Institute of Biology, University of the Philippines Diliman
Brendel Mae Zarate University of the Philippines Mindanao



Monday, 25 July

9:00 DIPnet Course Welcome – Gaither & Gotanco

9:15 Overview of DIPnet – Gaither

9:45 Introductions

10:30 Break

10:45Lab: Data Carpentry; introduction to the Unix command line and R – Martinez & Belcaid

12:00 Lunch

13:30  Lab: continued

15:00 Break

15:30 Lab: continued

17:00 Lab finished


Tuesday, 26 July

9:00 Talk: Fiona Pedroso & Roselyn  Aguila

9:45 Lab:  Data Carpentry; introduction to the Unix command line and R – Martinez & Belcaid

10:30 Break

10:45 Lab: Continued

12:00 Lunch

13:30 Lab: Continued

15:00 Break

15:30 Lab: Continued

17:00 Lab finished


Wednesday, 27 July

9:00   Talk: Ruby Castrence-Gonzales, Rachel Gotanco

9:45 Lecture: Introduction to Next-Gen sequencing and RADSeq – Andrews & Gaither

10:30 Break

10:45  Lecture: Introduction to Next-Gen sequencing and RADSeq – Andrews & Gaither

12:00 Lunch

13:30 Lab: RADSeq data analysis tutorial – Andrews & Gaither

15:00 Break

15:30 Lab: Continued

17:00 Lab finished


Thursday, 28 July

9:00   Lecture: Preliminary findings and population genetics using DIPnet data – Riginos

10:30  Break

10:45  Lecture:  Metagenomics for Biodiversity Research – Lehmann

12:00 Lunch

13:15  Lab: Taxonomic diversity analysis of amplicon data using QIIME – Lehmann

15:00 Break

15:30 Lab: Continued

17:00 Lab finished


Friday, 29 July

9:00   Lecture: Transcriptomics – Conaco

10:00 Break

10:20 Lab/Demonstration: Transcriptomics  – Conaco

12:00 Lunch

13:30 Discussion: Leveraging DIPnet data for proposals to SE Asian funding bodies – Gotanco

15:00 Break

15:30 Discussion continued

17:00 Meeting closes