The fourth DIPnet workshop on Capacity building and data mobilization for conservation and decision making in the South Pacific was held at the Suva Holiday Inn, in Fiji, June 18-22, 2018. It was hosted by the University of the South Pacific, and funded by the Global Biodiversity Information Facility Biodiversity Information for Development program.

Participants accessioned 146,446 species occurrence records to GBIF during and after the workshop!


DIPnet Fiji Participants
Name Affiliation
John Wieczorek UC Berkeley & VertNet
David Bloom UC Berkeley & VertNet
Eric Crandall CSU Monterey Bay
Michelle Gaither University of Hawai'i
Mia Ravoka Fiji Locally Managed Marine Area
Apaitia  Liga Institute of Applied Sciences, USP
Kasaqa  Tora National Trust of Fiji
Eliki Senivasa Conservation International
Laura  Williams Sch. Marine Studies, USP
Kelly Brown Sch. Marine Studies, USP
Bindiya Rashni Nature Fiji – MareqetiViti
Albert Whippy University of the South Pacific
Sylvain Caillot Secretariat of the Pacific Community
Ana Tunubuna-Buli Secretariat of the Pacific Community
Francois Roupsard Secretariat of the Pacific Community
Christina  Shaw The Vanuatu Environmental Science Society
Roger Smithy Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation
Martika Tahi The Vanuatu Environmental Science Society
Rolenas Baereleo Vanuatu Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation
Senilolia Tuiwawa Conservation International
Siteri Tikoca Nature Fiji – MareqetiViti
Theresa Rakai Nature Fiji – MareqetiViti
Brian Stockwell University of the South Pacific
Giulia Anderson University of the South Pacific




Objective:This workshop aims to contribute to enhancing the capacity of Consortium Partners to plan and implement biodiversity data digitization efforts effectively and according to GBIF standards. There will be a focus on the technical aspects of the data mobilization —including aspects related to the data lifecycle: digitization, management and online publishing. 

Time Session Agenda Item
Day 1 – Monday the 18th
0900 – 1030 1 Welcome and Introductions
Workshop Objectives and Agenda
Introduction to the Global Biodiversity Information Facility
1030 – 1100 Morning tea
1100 – 1300 2 Why publish data?
Publishing data using the IPT
What is occurrence data?
1300 – 1400 Lunch
1400 –  1500 3 Training on Preparation of the Data
i. Mapping – Darwin Core basics with a focus on the fields we need in the current project (ie Species Name and Location include Projected Area info where appropriate)
ii.      Cleaning – using Excel and Open Data
iii.      Documenting the steps
1500-1515 Afternoon tea
1515-1615 4 Training on Preparation of the Data
1615-1630 Wrap up – Summary
Day 2 – Tuesday the 19th
0900 – 1030 1 IPT Web address
IPT User Accounts and Logging in
1030 – 1100 Morning tea
1100 – 1300 2 User manual for publishing
1300 – 1400 Lunch
1400 –  1500 3 Metadata (Contacts, Collection, Methodology etc)
1500-1515 Afternoon tea
1515-1615 4 Metadata continued
1615-1630 Wrap up – Summary
Day 3 – Wednesday the 20th
0900 – 1030 Republishing
Overview of GBIF and using GBIF website to query and extract data
1030 – 1100 Morning tea
1100 – 1300 2 Collecting Publisher details from Members for registration
1300 – 1400 Lunch
1300 – 1700 3 R tutorial
Day 4 – Thursday the 21st
0900 – 1030 1 Georeferencing
1030 – 1100 Morning tea
1100 – 1300 2 Georeferencing continued
1300 -1400 Lunch
1400 –  1430 3 Introduction to GeOMe
1430-1500 4 OpenRefine
1500-1515 Afternoon tea
1515-1715 5 Wrap up – Summary
Day 5 – Friday the 22nd
0900 – 1030 1 Working on finalizing datasets for upload
1030 – 1100 Morning tea
1100 – 1300 2 Working on datasets.
1230 – 1330 Lunch
1400 –  1500 3 Wrap up Summary Continue Working as Needed